St Andrews Coast and Harbour

The Scottish burgh of St Andrews has a rich history, with many buildings of historical interest. In the Middle Ages St Andrews was the religious capital of Scotland, with a vast Cathedral perched on the cliff tops looking out over the North Sea. A short walk from the ruins of the Cathedral sits the harbour of St Andrews. For generations the harbour was at the heart of life in St Andrews.
These pages provide access to a virtual museum focused on St Andrews harbour and the surrounding coastline. Through videos, maps, virtual tours, and galleries you can explore the harbour past and present – including a digital reconstruction of how the harbour may have looked in 1921. The focus on the area around St Andrews harbour enables us to connect the architecture with the lives of local fisher folk, their work, culture, and faith.
This ‘museum without walls’ integrates digital reconstructions of past buildings and environments with historic photographs and information, and representations of the harbour today – enabling engagement with this remarkable area in COVID safe ways. This digital resource enables people to discover the past in new ways, thereby promoting and preserving the heritage of St Andrews.